Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stomach Ulsers More Condition_symptoms HELP! HELP! HELP! I Need Boyfriend Advice! ASAP!?

HELP! HELP! HELP! I need boyfriend advice! ASAP!? - stomach ulsers more condition_symptoms

So heres the thing.
I knew that my friend for 4 years.
And we've been together about a month.
Hes the sweetest man in the story.
He cares about me soo much.
Well, I have a shit load of health problems.
[Ulsers in Himroids stomach, skin cancer, chronic bronchitis, several shrines]
Since him and I said that I die for a high risk HES afraid I'm losing.
Does anyone know a way to make you feel more comfortable around me?
I hate how he acts when he and I are together is like HES affraid to die in my arms.
Last weekend was very ill and was hospitalized and it was only yesterday, and he was scared.
To see the simple fact of the weekend.
He currently lives because he is in school, and Hvery hour.
So I spend every Saturday night with him.
The need is advice.
What can I do to feel more comfortable around me?
Is there anything I can do to you to accept what happens and be happy?


wildwill... said...

Sounds like you are eight and not worry about him that he is the best need. It will be good in time, what would I be concerned. The good news for him do not know how to do it, really. If the patient, as you say, you have to concentrate life in the treatment of their symptoms and their lives.

Kevin c said...

Well .. There is not much you can do to make their concerns ... the best thing I can say is .... Together, we must at every moment and celebrating charish like last time ... There is nothing to regret ...

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